Tuesday, August 30, 2016


DAVAO CITY, PHILIPPINES, August 19, 2016 — Yamaha Motor Philippines, Inc. Revs through Campuses all over the Philippines to showcase the Mio Ride your Story Campaign. The first stop was the Silliman University where students got to know more about the Mio Sporty, Mio i 125, Mio Soul i 125, and Mio 125 Mxi. Aside from being outstanding motorcycles the Mio Motorcycles represent more than transportation. Each has their own unique characteristics that fit different personalities and passions that are represented by each individual. 

Mio Campus Tour - Silliman University full article here

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Despite the heavy rain and gloomy weather, nothing can stop these Honda Motorcycle enthusiasts from attending the “Honda Riders Club Convention 2016- Luzon Leg.”   

More than 2,000 riders and more than 45 clubs overflowed the giant tent and unite as Honda Philippines, Inc. supported this event organized by the Honda Riders Club of the Philippines (HRCP)  and the Honda Owners Group Philippines (HOG Phils.) held last August 14, 2016, Sunday in Metrowalk, Metro Tent, Pasig. 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Honda Philippines joined Victory Ride in Davao City

The Leading Motorcycle Manufacturer in the Philippines,  Honda Philippines, Incorporated (HPI) conquers  Davao City  to sponsor  the Motorcycle  Riding Community of Davao  the “Victory Ride” Activity. Approximately around 1,600 Riders composed of more than 50 Clubs  all over Davao and nearby towns   came for the said event. It was a fun, thrilling and exciting day for Davaoeño’s as Honda prepared various activities to all riders after the ride.

AutoDeal Founders Back to Used Car Classifieds

After two and a half years of providing services to the Philippine new-car industry, AutoDeal.com.ph, the Philippines' leading online new car lead generation and lead management platform, has announced its expansion into the local used car classifieds space.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Asia Dream Cup – Indonesia Leg, The first Podium for the Philippines

Honda loves Challenges as they continue to develop new breed of Riders through Asia Dream Cup 2016.

 Asia Dream Cup is a  scholarship program for young aspiring riders all over  Southeast Asia with the aim of producing young GP riders in the future.

Asia Dream Cup (IndonesiaLeg) – The first Podium for the Philippinesfullarticle here

Asia Dream Cup (IndonesiaLeg) – The first Podium for the Philippinesfullarticle here